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About Camp Unbeatables
Camp Unbeatables is a unique program that combines life coaching with sports, artistic, creative and educational activities, which will not only make your child’s summer an unforgettable vacation, but will offer them hands on learning that will help them be successful throughout their life.
Life coaching is a future-focused practice with the aim of helping kids determine and achieve personal goals. Some of its benefits are:
- Life coaching helps kids to get in touch with their inner beings and understand their true power.
- Life coaching trains kids in how to prioritize their values.
- Life coaching orients kids about what their life purpose might be.
- Life coaching instructs kids in how to set goals to achieve the thing they want in life.
- Life coaching assists parents, schools and the society providing kids with effective tools to survive in today’s real world.
Our staff members are selected through carefully handled interviews in where we meet with the potential staff member and get to know them as an individual. Our qualifications for members differ depending on the job positions. Supervisors, Counselors, and Volunteers each have their own list of qualifications they must fulfill. In order to be part of our camp, all our staff goes through National recognized certifications, second-degree background checks and a very comprehensive training.
Yes, we have three different age groups in which counselors are in charge of.
Doral Location:
- Ages 5-7
- Ages 8-10
- Ages 11-14
Camp Unbeatables is a Multi-Sports and Life Skills Training Program that takes place at the fields of City’s Public Parks. These facilities are not suitable for children with special needs that might require enclosed areas and direct one on one supervision. Also, our camp staff is not trained or specialized in children with special needs.
If you have a child with special needs and are interested in enrolling him or her in our program, please contact our office via email at [email protected] to set up a call with our camp coordinator or director before enrolling your child. We want to make sure that our program is suitable for your child needs.
Does he or she have a condition of ADD, ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder?
If the answer is “Yes” please contact our office via email or by phone to set up an interview with the camp coordinator or director before continuing enrolling your child. We want to make sure our program is suitable for your child needs.
Doral Location: Before care goes from 7:30 am to 8:00 am and the after care goes from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. There is an additional fee of $10 per camper per day and $25 per camper per week.
Pinecrest Location: After care only, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. There is an additional fee of $10 per camper per day and $25 per camper per week.
We hire a qualified staff that has training and certifications to keep each camper in a safe environment. Daily activities that include a large variety of sports and games.�
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Campers Arrival and Sign-In
9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The Unbeatables Academy Life Skills Training Presentations
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Outdoors activities and Sports
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch Time and Rest
1.30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Indoors and Outdoors Activities
3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Snack Time
4:00 p.m. to 4:30 Indoors and Outdoors Activities
4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Unbeatables Unwinding Time & Campers Dismissal.
Fees and Registration
It’s Simple! CLICK HERE to signup for the first time. We have a very easy to follow registration system where each family is able to open their own account and handle payments and information in a secure and personal way.
What is included in the Weekly Fee:
- All Life Coaching Training
- All Multi-Sports Activities
- All Materials and Equipment
- Registration Fee: includes 2 camp shirts
Camp spots are limited. In the case there are spots available, fees are due the Friday prior to the week the camper will start. Campers spots cannot be secured unless the registration and payment have been received prior to the week the camper will start.
By signing our terms and conditions you are agreeing with our Refund and Cancellation Policy. Please, review them carefully before enrolling your child.
* Once the camper is enrolled in any of our camps, NO refunds or credit will be issued.
* No refunds or credit will be issued due to campers or any family members testing positive for COVID-19 or being exposed to COVID-19, any of its variants or ANY other medical condition.
No. Only the paid weeks are the ones the camper will have secured. Since the camp spots are limited, we cannot reserve weeks that haven’t been paid ahead of time.
No, there is no possibility of switching weeks. Since we have a specific amount of spots in the camp, once one spot is reserved and paid that spot is secured for that camper and there is no chance for another camper to take it.
What to bring/not to bring?
- Dress appropriately for play and the weather.
- Wear sneakers for active play (children not wearing sports shoes will NOT be able to participate in outdoor activities).
- A cap or hat for sun protection is advisable.
- All clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name and phone number.
- Apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) to your child each morning during the summer. The camp staff is unable to apply sunscreen to your child unless it is in spray form.
Camp T-shirt is mandatory for all field trips and everyday. If the child doesn’t bring a camp t-shirt, the camp will provide one at an additional cost of $15.
- Toys, cell phones, I-pads, laptops, trading cards, stuffed animals, pets and money should stay at home.
- Any hearing device brought to camp that has improper content, language or images for children will be confiscated and given back only to the parents or legal representatives.
- Participants are not allowed to purchase items from the vending machines.
- The Camp is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.
- All children should bring a backpack, clearly marked with the child’s name and phone number, to carry their belongings.
- Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) during the summer months. Staff will supervise the application of sunscreen but are unable to apply sunscreen to your child unless it is in spray form.
- Parents (not the child) may bring necessary medications to the program office.
- Medications must be in their original containers with written instructions for dispensing.
- Parents will be asked to complete a medical authorization form.
- For safety reasons, all medications are stored and locked in the program office.
- Do not pack medication with lunch or snacks.
Only for field trips. We do not allow campers to go to the vending machines
Campers will be notified when a field trip to water parks or public pools will be held in order to bring their swimming gear.
Family pets are not allowed at camp but we understand how tempting it can be for our campers to bring and trade a variety of items. This has been a consistent source of disappointment, and argument. Our past experience suggests that items such as these have a high probability of being lost, broken, misplaced or just go missing.
Any type of cellphones, computers, Ipods and Ipads are PROHIBITED at the camp.
Policies and Procedures
Camp Directors and supervisors are CPR and First Aid certified. During an accident or an illness, directors or supervisor are trained to evaluate the situation and make the pertinent decision. If it is a minor accident or a minor illness, the camper will be treated at the campsite accordingly with the standards of the correspondent certifications; the parents will be notified by a call, by a written report or by both. In the case, the assess of the situation reflects a serious condition, the camp certified personnel will offer the camper the CPR and First Aid attention while the emergency medical help will be contacted. The parents will be contacted immediately.
- In the event of severe rain, lightning or other unsafe conditions, camp activities will be modified as necessary to ensure the safety of all participants.
- On code orange days, outdoor activities are modified with frequent water breaks and play in shady areas.
- On code red days, activities are modified with field trips or indoor play, depending on the program site.
- In cases of driving rain and/or lightning, staff will keep campers sheltered until conditions improve. The safety of Camp Unbeatables children and staff is our first priority.
- Parents may come inside or into the sheltered areas at their own risk to pick up their child during severe weather conditions.
- Severe weather may affect the pickup process. In cases of driving rain and/or lightning, staff will keep children sheltered until conditions improve. This may slow down the pickup process, requiring drivers to wait. The safety of Camp Unbeatables children and staff is our first priority.
Parents should write a note in instances of:
- Early pickup
- Pickup by someone other than designated party
- Medication needs
- Special needs
- Modified activities
- Changes in custody (must provide legal documentation)
Please do not send your child with any of the following symptoms:
- Nose that runs consistently
- Undiagnosed rash, sore, or other skin condition
- Sore throat
- Excessive coughing
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Fever
- Head lice ****
- Any other contagious disease or symptom
A child must be fever-free and have stopped diarrhea and vomiting for a full 24 hours before returning to the program. A physician’s note may be required before readmitting a child to the program.
****In the case there is an evidence of head lice, the child will be removed from the rest of the campers and the parents will be notified to pick him or her up and only bring it back to camp until he or she has been treated and do not present a risk of lice spreading. There will be not refund for the missed days caused by the head lice.
- At pickup time, children will only be released to parents, legal guardians and those designated on the Camper Information Form. We suggest bringing your ID with you every time you pick up your children.
- If you plan to have anyone else pick up your child, you must notify the Camp director, Supervisor or office manager in writing.
- It is MANDATORY that parents who drop off or pick up children sign the child in and/or out at the program office. The child will not be included into the camp activities and will be seated on the reception desk until the parent or legal representative sign him/her in.
All parents, regardless of arrival time, should drop-off and pickup children at the Camp check-in table. Parents cannot drop-off or pick-up children directly on the fields or in any other place than the check-in table.
SIGN IN and SIGN OUT are required and mandatory. Please do not simply drop off your children at the door. Help us avoid confusion, communicate better, and keep your child safe by honoring this process. Children will be not accepted at the camp without the sign-in/sign-out authorized signature from the parents or legal representatives.
This is not a childcare, it is a camp. A place we hope children will grow in emotional, social and spiritual skills. Children will be encouraged to participate in all activities. When a group activity occurs with no alternative activity campers are strongly encouraged, but not required, to participate. As part of an effort to encourage participation, from time to time counselors may reward those who do participate.
Summer camp is intended to be an example of right principles in action. Our philosophy for discipline is based on mutual respect, patience, cooperation, and encouragement. Disruptive campers can harm the fun and learning of all and may receive time out or be removed from an activity if behaviors prevent the activity from proceeding smoothly.
Our anti-bullying policy at camp is very strict. We have zero tolerance respecting “Bullying” or disrespectful behavior toward other campers or to our staff.
The camp reserves the right to suspend a camper from camp for disciplinary reasons. No refund will apply. Our anti-bullying policy at camp is very strict. We have zero tolerance respecting bullying or disrespectful behavior toward other campers or to our staff. Campers who become aggressive or act in such a way as to present a possible harm to others will be separated from the group and the parents will be contacted. The camp establishes a system of TWO (2) warnings in writing, in case of disruptive or disrespectful behavior. In the first warning, the camper and the parents will be informed by a written notice. In the second warning, the camper will be removed from the camp for one (1) day (no refund applies). If disruptive or disrespectful behavior continues, the camper will be expelled from the camp, with NO REFUND, regardless of the amount already paid.
Camp Unbeatables only contract Licensed Bus services Companies that compel with the CDL Federal Standards and safety regulations of American Camp Association.
We are very strict with the rules during the use of transportation for field trips.
- Students will keep the aisles and exits clear.
- Students will remain properly seated, back against the back of the seat, bottom to the bottom of the seat, and hands to themselves.
- Students will not eat, drink, or chew gum.
- Students will go directly to an available seat when entering the bus
- Students will not carry animals, glass objects, nuisance items, hazardous materials, or weapons onto the bus
- Students will refrain from using loud voices, profanity and/or obscene gestures, and respect the right and safety of others.
- Students will not extend hands, arms, or objects out the bus windows.
- Students will stay seated until it is time to get off the bus. An adult will direct them.
- Students will keep their bus clean and in good safe condition.
- Students shall be prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices in a manner that might interfere with the operation of the bus/van.