
Psychology & Love

9 Ways to know when parents are using their children to take revenge on their partners

With much sadness I have had to see many cases in which parents manipulate the situations related to their children based on their anger, frustration, disappointment or sadness towards their current or ex-partner. Parents, blinded by these feelings from their wounded egos, make decisions and do things that emotionally harm their children forever. They don’t understand that the last thing that children want to witness is that those two beings who once loved each other and from which they were

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7 Feelings That Children Can Experience When Their Parents Fight

With  the situation that is occurring with the coronavirus, we are sure that you are well informed and that you are taking the appropriate course of action. But, it is logical to think that your children are also nervous and bewildered, and maybe you do not know how to convey this information so that they are aware of what is happening, but do not get traumatized or become paranoid. We will give you some suggestions on how to inform them

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5 Ways To Disengage Your Kids From the Screen

Many parents ask me what can they do so that their children do not surround their lives around electronic devices? The first thing I say is that we have to realize that the new generations are not “adopting” a globalized system of communication, as we parents had to do it; the young people of today are “biological children” of this new era of communication. They do not know anything else, they can not compare (like us); then, this is their

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Are you Raising Your Child to Fit into Today’s World?

Many parents ask me what can they do so that their children do not surround their lives around electronic devices? The first thing I say is that we have to realize that the new generations are not “adopting” a globalized system of communication, as we parents had to do it; the young people of today are “biological children” of this new era of communication. They do not know anything else, they can not compare (like us); then, this is their

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8 Ways Parents Can Handle Bullying

Past generations ask why is there so much fuss about bullying today? They tend to say: “In my time there was no talking about “bullying”; If someone bothered you, you either would fix it directly with the culprit, telling him to stop bothering you or else you would fight. And the promises were fulfilled … The parents did not intervene, on the contrary, parents said to the boys in particular: “do not let anyone bother you and, if someone hits

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6 Ways to Know If You Have Been Communicating “Too Much” With Your Child

Imagine that your first reaction when you look at the title of this article is a shock.! You might think:  If communication is so positive, how can it become too much? I am going to give you an example of a few years ago when it came out everywhere that having a glass of red wine a day was good for your health and people began to drink full bottles and get drunk, exaggerating the original statement. The same goes

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The One Thing You Can Do To Emotionally Survive This Pandemic

The emotional component that this physical illness has brought us is undeniable. Not only because it has obviously impacted most financially, but the uncertainty and lack of control regarding our future is something that our brain is not used to. Therefore, our brain assumes the survival mode, which keeps us anxious and restless. If we stick to cell phones and the media, what we are going to absorb is a quantity of confusing information, altered and pre-built according to the interests of

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