
Psychology & Love

6 Ways to Know If You Have Been Communicating “Too Much” With Your Child

Imagine that your first reaction when you look at the title of this article is a shock.! You might think:  If communication is so positive, how can it become too much? I am going to give you an example of a few years ago when it came out everywhere that having a glass of red wine a day was good for your health and people began to drink full bottles and get drunk, exaggerating the original statement. The same goes

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5 Ways To Engage Your Family Into Physical Activity Mode

Mirror, mirror on the wall Make a conscious and honest check of the level of health and well-being of your family, starting with you and your partner (if you have one). We do not have to be doctors or personal trainers to know if our family in general or, any of its members, is in “good shape” or not. And, “good shape” does not mean ready to compete in the Mister or Miss Universe; means to be at a reasonable

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5 Ways To Disengage Your Kids From the Screen

Many parents ask me what can they do so that their children do not surround their lives around electronic devices? The first thing I say is that we have to realize that the new generations are not “adopting” a globalized system of communication, as we parents had to do it; the young people of today are “biological children” of this new era of communication. They do not know anything else, they can not compare (like us); then, this is their

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